The first rays of the morning sun were just lighting our carport as I tucked the kids into the backseat of the car. Snuggled under their blankets, they sleepily exclaimed they were ready to go. My breath hung in the air as my wife and I double checked our list. Tent-check, cooler-check, coloring books-check, kitchen sink-everything but. I am always amazed at what we can cram into a four door Ford Contour. We were ready to go and with a turn of the ignition we began our long weekend of camping and geocaching in and around Crystal Springs on the southern shore of Lake Ouachita.

This is a wonderful time to be in the Ouachita Mountains. The many hues of green are just beginning to tease the visitor with the impending explosion of color that should be in full effect over the next couple of weeks. My wife and I enjoyed the scenery around us as we traveled Highway 270 toward Crystal Springs. Well what I could see along the way. Sometimes I wish our car had an autopilot so I could just sit back and enjoy the landscape as it passes by. It always makes me wonder what the view for travelers by train would have seen so long ago.
We stopped in Pencil Bluff to hunt a couple of geocaches there and to hide one just north of town. The kids were of course wide awake by now and livid with excitement. They love camping and couldn't wait for us to arrive at the campground.
We took some time and drove through the Thompkins Bend campground on our way to check it out. I was surprised at how nice it was. I have to admit I had been biased against Army Corps of Engineer campgrounds. This stemmed from a short visit to one that I really didn't think was very nice. I mistakenly assumed they were all old and run down. This trip opened my eyes.

We finally arrived at the Crystal Springs Recreational Area and it was very nice! The grounds were well kept and the bathhouses were in better shape than those at Lake Ouachita State Park! They even had hot showers. The tent only sites weren't the best in the world but we didn't have the funding for the nicer ones. The number one and two tent sites were fine though. They each had of course a tent pad and grill along with a fire ring and picnic table. Everything a family out for a weekend of camping could ask for.
After camping the first night we went into Hot Springs to complete the requirements for the "Tah-Ne-Co" EarthCache. We had a wonderful time visiting the visitors center and walking along Central Avenue. We returned by walking the promenade and visiting the cascade.

When we returned to the car we got some cups and made hot cocoa from the springs for the kids. We drove to the tower and had a picnic nearby before we parked at the overlook on top of Hot springs mountain and hiked down to Goat Rock. It was just a fantastic day. We roasted some hot dogs over the campfire for dinner, our kids favorite, and then settled the kids down for bed.

Our last day was spent hunting geocaches around Crystal Springs. There was plenty of beautiful scenery and the kids always enjoy finding "treasure." We had so much fun we hated to leave. With winter fast approaching and all of the constraints of the holiday season it will be awhile before we get to go camping again. I love our little trips. There's just nothing like sitting in front of the campfire while watching your children run around playing whatever made-up game their imaginations have dreamed up. Watching them explore or share discoveries with each other. I even love the many questions they ask about all the nature around them. It's during these times I realize how truly blessed my wife and I are. Of all the places we've seen and memories made, sharing them with our children is true happiness.
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