This month's featured geocacher is Ar-Hick. I hope you enjoy reading this feature. Be sure to post your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section. But now without further ado, and a special thanks to Ar-Hick, let's get on with the interview:
If you've ever geocached in Conway county, then your

How did you hear about geocaching and what was your first hunt like?
I got a gps for Christmas and after playing around with it a friend at work told me about geocaching.
I checked it out and saw that one was less than 2 miles away. I loaded up the kids and we headed to Woolly Hollow SP to look for "Wild and Woolly".
Having the coords on paper and a gps we started walking in circles around the park, trying to get the numbers to match. I did not know how to "GOTO" yet and this made for lots of walking. Finally got to the right spot and began to search, could not find it a "Ammo can". This made me more than ever determined to find a geocache and that is how I became hooked.
How did you choose your handle?
First choice was Hickory after my favorite tree, taken. So I added Arkansas to it and it was OK. Nope too long to sign on a logsheet.
AR-Hick short and it kinda fits my personality. I may live in town, but my heart is in the Ozark Hills of Arkansas.
Not to mention that I have been called a lot worse than a Hick before.
After your first find, what about geocaching has kept you interested?
Just over 10 years ago I quit drinking and drugs I had a lot of time and no real hobbies. At first it was the challenge of finding what others had hidden and how they had done it. Geocaching gave me something to do and keep my mind occupied, it has kept busy and out of depression even though I now would rather cache than do just about anything else (a new habit or addiction). Now it is more about the friends I have met and the places I can see and visit. I never knew I would find so much looking for tupperware in the woods.
Of all your hides, which is your favorite and why?
Currently: Donum ex Amicus (GC1GVXQ)
This incorporates something from my friends and great cachers.
Woodwalker9 - who gave it to me while on a caching trip to Searcy. it was just some junk and had lots of potential. His friendship means so much to me and I don't know how I ever survived without him.
RKLMBL - whose strength and intelligence I have borrowed from and they have shown me how to not take the little things so seriously. Just someone you want to be around.
Cachemates - The Master of Camo and it was Jerry's skill whom I was trying to mimic. His caches have scared, amazed, entertained and just had a good time while hunting them. They are some of the best folks in the world and I am glad to call them friends.
4wheeling-1 - the best cacher who I have ever seen and my wanting mess with his head. Caching and Jeff have gotten me through some tough times.
What is your favorite find?
Too many to pick just one.
Each cache has it's own "personality" and means something special to me.
Geocaching ; is it a game or a sport?
I think it is a game, if it was a sport someone would be making money playing it as a professional.
I have not figured out how to do that yet, all I need is to get Garmin, McD's and Exxon onboard and I would be good to go caching like a PRO.
What have you learned about yourself through geocaching?
You are never to old to learn new things. I have started doing things that I would have never done before.
E-mail (at home), hikes, camping, creative camo (I have never been very creative) and visiting with folks from every walk of life and making new friends.
What advice would you give to a new geocacher just starting?
Find a 100 before you hide your first. Hide at least 1 to every 100 you find.
Learn to tell stories and write a little something in each log, this ain't school and nobody is grading you.
Have fun and don't think that you can't find it, it's there!
If you live in Arkansas join the Arkansas Geocachers Association, it is a great place for answers and to find out what is going on.
That's it. I'd like to thank Ar-Hick again for taking the time to answer these questions and allowing all of us to probe his mind. LOL. If you have any suggestions for questions or want to nominate a geocacher just let us know. I'm out for now. Happy Caching!